Sunday 27 July 2008


So today i posted up the final print for this part of MFB. It was somehow both sad and exhilarating. I think it was beginning to takes its toll mentally and physically and so its good to finish but i did like the pressure of cresting the work on a day to day basis, it was oddly liberating. However before we get to the final print there's a day gone astray do here's Friday's print first and then I'll start a new post for today's. Only seems right somehow.

Friday's print was entitle Any Comments? and is a series of comments about a billboard. The implication is that they are about this board, however they are not and the text reads 'on this billboard' not about. They are in fact culled from another far more right on and moral billboard project, not a showboating ego one. I think they are testament though to how carried away people can get by a large scale image purporting to be offering them some sort of fulfilling rhetoric. Either that or how emotionally over-wrought some members of the public are. Here it is:

and a final one showing Mike Lawton's work trying to escape through from the Community day

There is also a video of this which I'll post up when it's been edited (what little editing there will be)

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